Our Little Saint Therese
October Thoughts and Prayers
Praising God with Seeds of Faith
Angels of Prayer
How is God working in our parishes during this Eucharistic Revival?
"White Mass" and Solemn Blessing of Healthcare Personnel
St. John Vianney Center: Day of Prayer
Towards a peaceful and prayerful Labor Day
Holy Headaches and Sanctified Stubbings
Thoughts on Suffering
Diocese of Pueblo Youth Encounter: Jesus at BCYC Encounter
Our Lady of Guadalupe/St. Patrick Vocation Bible School
Thoughts from the Gunnison Fairgrounds Congreso
Thoughts from the Reunion
Point for Meditation
Novena for our Diocesan Eucharistic Congress
The Examination of Conscience: Keeping Watch over our Spiritual Clocks
Lenten Journey For Life
A Renewal of Formation in Doctrine and the Sacraments