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2023 Colorado Catholic Voter Guide


Updated: Oct 31, 2023

Election Day 2023, November 7, is around the corner! While there are no statewide offices up for election this year, there are still important choices for voters to make, including two statewide propositions and many local elections.

As faithful Catholics, it is our duty to form the moral character of our community, state, and country. One way to do this is through voting.

The Colorado Catholic Voter Guide exists to help Catholics make informed decisions when casting their ballot. The guide lists the Catholic policy priorities of the Colorado Bishops that are derived from Catholic Social Teaching. Catholics should consider these values as they form their conscience in preparation to vote.

You can find the 2023 Colorado Catholic Voter Guide, which includes a description of the statewide ballot propositions, along with the Bishops’ policy priorities and a quote from all four bishops on the moral obligation to vote on our website at

Ballots were sent to Colorado voters starting October 16th, and all ballots must be received by the county clerk and recorder by 7:00 PM on November 7th.

If you still need to register to vote, you may do so here.

Please pray for our election. Below we provide a prayer offered by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops before an election:

Lord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city/state/country, and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. We ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, one and equal in dignity, especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned, Men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion or gender. We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom.

We pray for discernment so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word, live your love, and keep in the ways of your truth as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles and guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace.

We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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