The preparation had been taking place since I started school, but I was now well into the second grade and finally ready. The greatest challenge had been practicing for First Confession. In particular, that meant learning the difference between a perfect and an imperfect Act of Contrition. I had a hard time understanding that a perfect Act of Contrition did not mean that you had to pronounce every word exactly right, knowing what each word meant, with the appropriate feeling of remorse accompanying every word. With some guidance, I began to grasp that a perfect act of contrition was more of an affair of the heart. Once the First Confession was accomplished, and my sins forgiven, I was ready.
There was never a doubt in my mind, as Monsignor Hennessy lowered the Host to my mouth for that First Holy Communion, that I had just received Jesus. That visual memory has its own special place as if it happened yesterday. I had received Jesus, and He was living in me. When I think of it now, I see my history, my story, my calling to the priesthood and my future. This story could only have begun with the Real Presence of Jesus in my life.
"With some guidance, I began to grasp that a perfect act of contrition was more of an affair of the heart."
On the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 19, 2022, accompanied by processions of Corpus Christi across the country, we began a three-year national Eucharistic Revival. This is a renewal of the fundamentals of our faith as Catholics and a time of transformation for our Church, organized around the Eucharist. This is a time for us to return to what makes us uniquely Catholic, and to grow as followers of Christ. We will continue to pray, study and reflect on the one thing that gives us our identity, the Source and Summit of our faith.
We have been preparing for this revival. The sessions and surveys for Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality, the May Convocation, the parish visitations which Fr. Derrek Scott and I will continued to conduct through 2023, all are parts of preparation for a new dawning of faith in our hearts throughout our diocese.
"We will continue to pray, study and reflect on the one thing that gives us our identity, the Source and Summit of our faith."
Are you prepared? I invite you to reflect on your own story and what calls you to be Catholic. How do you see yourself in relationship with the Body and Blood of Christ today? Have there been Eucharistic miracles in your life? How has your story grown? How may it need revival?
Our Eucharist is bigger than the immediate world in which we live. The Eucharist comprises our very being and acting, living in thanksgiving and washing the feet of others; receiving communion, food for the journey, reconciliation and deepest healing. Eucharist is God With Us, Jesus Resurrected, the Holy Spirit in Glory. As a seminary professor once said to me, if you only begin to comprehend the Eucharist, you will discover a world bigger than all others; once you fall into it, you will wish never to leave. It is the life of God; forever and joyfully He lives in us, and we in Him.
"Are you prepared? I invite you to reflect on your own story and what calls you to be Catholic. How do you see yourself in relationship with the Body and Blood of Christ today?"
Next week the faithful will gather in Indianapolis, Indiana form July 17 - 21, 2024 for the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years. We shall keep them in our prayers.
I look forward to these years and to experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit with each one of you throughout our diocese. May Our Mother Mary guide us joyfully on our journey ahead. May St. Therese of Lisieux be with us in each little step. Praise Jesus!
+Most Reverend Stephen J. Berg
Bishop of Pueblo
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