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Feast of Corpus Christi June 2024 - Saint Mary Catholic Church, Montrose


The Feast of Corpus Christi was proposed by Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, to Pope Urban IV, in order to create a feast solely on the Holy Eucharist, emphasizing the joy of the Eucharist being the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

Pictured Above: Emily Molnar, Jacinta Scheetz, Amanda Pillon, Renee Tomlinson


We had a wonderful turnout for the Feast of Corpus Christi this year. Between 175-200 people of all ages from Montrose and Olathe (OLF) processed from St. Mary’s to the Coldwell Banker parking lot where the Magnifcat Mom’s designed and set up a beautiful alter for the monstrance and Eucharist to sit on. The wind was a challenge, but we still had a wonderful time of quiet reflection with Jesus present. Everyone processed back and headed to the Parish picnic.

Special Thanks to Fr. Matthew, the Alter Servers, The Knights of Columbus, and Barb Lockwood.

By Saint Mary Catholic Church, Montrose

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