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St. John Vianney Center: Day of Prayer


Day of Prayer dedicated to the Health and Wellness of Clergy and Men and Women Religious will occur on Friday, October 20, 2023. The purpose is to provide spiritual support to those who tirelessly serve the Church and the people of God. It also serves as an awareness campaign and reminder of the importance of self-care, healing, and maintaining a strong spiritual foundation.

Saint John Vianney Center, the only behavioral health and addictions treatment and resource center providing holistic care and support exclusively for Clergy and Men and Women Religious worldwide, will host the event. The highlight will be a live streamed Mass from their Chapel at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time celebrated by Fr. David Brzoska, Chaplain of Saint John Vianney Center (SJVC), and concelebrated by Msgr. Roberto Garza, Board Member for SJVC, Pastor at St. Joachim Church in Miami, Florida, and President and General Director of Radio Paz.

"Amidst the challenges and demands faced by Clergy and Men and Women Religious, it is crucial to prioritize their health and well-being," said David Shellenberger, President and CEO of Saint John Vianney Center. "The Day of Prayer serves as a moment of support and renewal as we collectively uplift our dedicated servants in prayer and seek God's grace for their continued service."

SJVC invites individuals, Catholic nonprofits, Catholic schools and parishes, dioceses, and religious communities, to join in this Day of Prayer, either by participating in the live-streamed Mass or by incorporating prayers and intentions for the health and wellness of Clergy and Men and Women Religious into their weekday Masses, and devotions. Those who wish to help promote this day are invited to display the Day of Prayer logo on their website, link it to our landing page, and use the hashtag #SJVCdayofprayer on social media.

Sincerely your in Christ,

David Shellenberger, RN, BSN

President and CEO, St. John Vianney Center

Pray the Prayer for Clergy and Religious

Lord, Jesus Christ, you went about healing and bringing wholeness to all those in need. Today, we pray that you share your life-giving power to all you have called to the priesthood and religious life.

You told your disciples: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Please sustain your servants in their tireless ministries. Help guide them in seeking the means to care for themselves and to maintain their wellness in mind, body and spirit. Inspire us to be sensitive to their wellbeing and to support them through our prayers and assistance.

Like Saint Paul, we too pray that our brothers and sisters in church ministry be kept whole and entire, spirit, soul and body irreproachable at your coming Lord.

We make this prayer in your name and through the intercession of your Mother, Our Lady of Hope, and our patron, Saint John Vianney.


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